Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Week 3, Day 2

Scheduled workout: Recovery Run at 10:41 to 11:30 pace.

What I did: Shady Lane at 6:30 am, 3.5 miles in 37:18. which is a 10:39 average pace. So just a teensy bit outside the range on the fast side. I felt pretty good for a change. It was quite a bit cooler this morning and less humid, really just a lovely morning to run, and maybe my body is getting used to running before coffee. I actually even enjoyed the last half mile the way I used to back in the day when I ran in the morning all the time.

I did have a weird little pain on the outside of my right foot, just under the ankle, in the first half mile---I remember that I ran out in the street and around some cars to avoid a guy with a big dog that I didn't want to run right up on and surprise, and then I got the foot pain. Was it a cramp? It went away pretty quick. I've had this pain in the left foot but this was the first time in the right foot.

Tomorrow is long run day. I'm going to try to go out early but I do need to have coffee first. Tommy is home this week and he says he will walk the dogs. It will be nice if I can do the run outside instead of on the treadmill. I'm supposed to do 12-14 miles. I think I'll do 3 Loops and then Erie-Broadview-Erie.

In other running related news, I entered the Dayton River Corridor 1/2 marathon and the Powder Keg 5k (next race in the trail series). I am trying to figure out if I entered State to State already. The link on the website doesn't work, and I can't find a confirmation anywhere. It seems weird that I waited so long to enter but it also seems like the online registration wasn't working the other times I checked so maybe that was why. Anyway, I sent a message to the race director via the link on Active.com, and hopefully I'll get an answer soon.

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Reflections of a slow, fat marathoner