The Streak Ends Again
I am so mad at myself. I started again on December 2 and was doing great until I forgot to get the mile in yesterday. I even found a way to get those miles in last weekend while I was in Indy for a dog show. I did laps in the parking lot Saturday afternoon! And then, yesterday, when I easily could have found time to hop on the treadmill for a mile (it was an off-day from my training schedule and I had two agility classes with the dogs), I simply forgot.I was debating whether to start once again or just bow to the inevitability of never being able to continue a long-term running streak, but I think I've decided that the discipline of trying is good for me.
Oscar Pistorius
I could really see how it might have been an accident, this shooting and killing the girlfriend thing. South Africa sounds like a scary place, and this guy was known to be a little reactive and loose with his shooting. So I could see how if he were surprised he would shoot first and ask questions later. Plus, they'd only been together as a couple since November. I don't get how anybody who is still in the honeymoon phase of the relationship could possibly get so angry that they would want to shoot the other person. Unless you were crazy. Which, apparently, he is.Training and How It's Going Generally
Not so bad. I like the Hanson's program I am following. I've missed a couple of workouts due to the dog shows but otherwise I am logging a lot more miles than usual. I really like not having the burden of facing those 18-22 mile long runs. This Monday I will do 16, which is as long as you go in this program. I don't have any problem getting my head around 16.I'm done with the speed segment of the program and now we're into the strength segment. That means longer intervals at slightly faster than marathon goal pace. Now, the only hitch I have is that the tempo runs are also supposed to be at marathon goal pace, and since I always incorporate walk breaks in my training and in my racing, that means that the tempo runs end up being kind of like the strength interval runs also. Or maybe even faster running than during the strength intervals because I am trying to compensate for the walk breaks.
For example, on Wednesday I did the first strength workout. Supposed to be 6 x 1 mile at 9:20 pace, with 400 meter recoveries. On the TM, I end up doing the repeats at 9:22 pace because that is 6.4 mph. 6.5 is too fast. I do quarter mile recoveries, with a 30 second walk at 3.5 mph, then jogging at 5.0 pace until I hit a quarter mile.
And today, I went out for what was supposed to be the tempo run. Schedule is 8 miles, with 5 miles at marathon pace. So, I did a mile and a half warmup, then I started running fast but took at 30 second walk break every mile (1 minute break in the middle to have a GU). When I hit 6.5 miles, I walked for a minute and then did the cooldown jog for a total of 8.23 miles. I did average goal pace for the tempo segment, finishing 4.99 miles in 47:24 (goal would be 5 miles in 47:30). But I didn't get it by running 9:30 pace continuously for 5 miles. A good part of it was much faster in order to average out to the 9:30-ish pace. That makes it more like an interval workout, I guess.
So, does that mean I am not getting the benefit of a true marathon pace/tempo workout? OTOH, I am not going to run at a continuous pace for 26.2 miles, either. That's not how I do it. So what is the point of practicing that way? I think what I am doing makes more sense, since it is practicing what I am actually going to do in the race.
I am pretty exhausted lately, but that is supposed to be normal. I have upped my mileage from 25 to closer to 40 miles a week, which is significant, so I guess I should be tired.
I do wonder when I am going to start losing weight from all this extra running! I didn't think I was eating that much more.
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