Monday, December 20, 2010

Ran outside today

Have mostly recovered from the cold/flu that hit me last week, and it got up in the mid-30s today, so I decided a little jaunt around the park was in order.

I did four on the treadmill yesterday afternoon and that was okay but outside is so much better if I can avoid the ice.

Did a mile warmup on the treadmill first, and then out for the three miles around the park. Wore moderately heavy tights and my heaviest running top, gloves and my nike cap---just about right for the temp and the distance.

Went okay. Going to try to build back up to a decent long run this weekend. Yesterday I took out the schedule and tried to see if it was still possible to get some decent training in before Little Rock. It appears that it will be but who knows if I will actually do it.

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Reflections of a slow, fat marathoner