Wednesday, April 06, 2011

New Shoes Came Today

I am trying out my new shoes, Nike Structures. I have worn these before but it's been a few years. Went back up a half size to 7s and glad I did. They are so pretty and white! We will have to do something about that soon. Look at them, they glow in the dark! Here they are pictured next to the shoes I've been wearing, the New Balance 1063s on the left, and the hideous Saucony Shadow 6000s on the right. I ran New Orleans and New Hampshire in the NBs, and Fargo and Little Rock in the Shadows. Based on those experiences, maybe I should be sticking with the Shadows, the best technology that 1996 had to offer. But they are so ugly. Normally I don't care that much what my running shoes look like but the Shadows are just embarrassing to be seen in, like clown shoes. Well, we'll see about these new Structures. Was feeling like maybe I needed a little more stability for awhile, or at least to change off from the more neutral shoes. And I don't think I would like the latest re-design of the New Balances. I have a pair of the 1064s and I am not crazy about them. Now they've changed the name of the series and that is never a good sign.

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Reflections of a slow, fat marathoner