Monday, April 04, 2011

Ramping Up

I am looking forward to the official start of my next marathon training program on April 18. Working on getting back on a regular schedule. The leg/thigh pain is pretty much gone. I felt a little twinge late in the day Saturday at an agility trial but it didn't stay around. Got a good five miler in yesterday. Going to do 6 next weekend, maybe 6 the following weekend, and then I'll be ready for 7 at the end of the first week of the schedule.

Just for kicks I tried a little bit of intervals at the end of my run today on the treadmill. The schedule I am going to be using calls for fartlek-style pickups at the end of the easy runs on Mondays. So today I did 6 at 7 mph, which is about an 8:35 pace, for 30 seconds. That's more like a 5k pace, or it used to be, so I guess I should have done them faster. They did feel pretty easy after the first one. But I didn't want to push the knee too hard. Have been icing after my runs and that is helping.

So maybe next week I'll do them faster. Or maybe I'll just keep it where it is. It's still faster than I've gone in awhile.

Thinking about a 5k next weekend since I don't have a dog show. Might be good to run a race now to get a gauge on appropriate training paces for all the speedwork I'm supposedly going to make myself do over the next few months.

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Reflections of a slow, fat marathoner