Monday, March 19, 2012

Things I Am Telling Myself

 The things I am telling myself in the week before the marathon:

1) It is not unusual for me to catch a cold a week or two before a race. I had a cold two weeks before my first marathon and two weeks before my best marathon.

2) I did an 18 miler and a 20 miler. I haven't run that far in training since my best marathon.

3) The weather is unseasonably warm this week but it will be great on race day.

4) I run better in the heat, anyway.

5) I have never completed so many quality sessions. Not ever. Not nearly.

6) I am not having any foot problems. I love my shoes.

7) If I don't make it this time, I will have another opportunity this fall. Plus I will be able to run ten minutes slower in the fall, because I will be moving into a new age group where Boston & Gansett are concerned. So there's no pressure. I do better when there's no pressure. So it helps me a lot to know that.

I'm feeling pretty optimistic, despite the fact that I skipped that tune up race last weekend because I thought I was catching a cold, and then I skipped the Heart Mini yesterday because I actually have a cold. Instead, I slept in because my body needed that more. Then I went for a little run in the afternoon. Was going to do as much as ten miles, but stopped after five. Five felt pretty good, and I didn't want to push it while I am still recovering from the cold.

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Reflections of a slow, fat marathoner