Friday, May 31, 2013

Four Miles Around the 'Hood

'm sitting out on the porch again and having a hard time typing because my eyes are itching. Not sure if it is allergies or from sweat, but it's driving me crazy.

Ok, so, today the schedule says four miles. i got a later start than yesterday and I think it's even hotter and muggier. For sure, its muggier. They're saying we might have a thunderstorm soon.

Anyway, I would normally start out by running up the street, but the neighbors' landscapers had arrived and I didn't want to have to run by them. had thought about going on the trails agin but that would also involve having to run by the landscapers.

So instead I went out the patios door and down the trail to Pape Ave. and then out to Erie. i went down Erie, up and around the Broadviewsubdivision, back up Erie and around the Chestnut Hill subdivision, and then back up Erie and around the neighborhood. I had to cross the street early after Broadview to avoid some construction, so it wouldn't quite work out to four until I did a loop around the block at the end.

I had forgotten how steep the hills are in Chestnut Hill. Steeper than I remembered. Wow.

I wore the Newtons. They are still feeling okay. One odd thing about thtem is that they feel fine when you're running but a little weird when you first put them on. A bit snug when I put them on, for example, but it doesn't bother me when I am running. At least on these 4-6 mile runs I've been doing.

A bad thing I am noticing about them is how quick the tread seems to wear out. Kinda surprising on shoes that cost $175 retail. Glad I only paid $55 for them!

I ordered a pair of Brooks Ghosts from RRS yesterday (along with a couple of pairs of shots and bras and socks, and a pair of shoes for Tommy).

My friend Charlene was wearing them at the agility trial last weekend, and we tend to like the same model of shoes. i had considered them before, but I've been in Nikes and doing so well the past few years that I was just sticking with those. I stuck with the Nike also because I like the ability to put the little shoe pod right inside the sole of the shoe rather than having to stick it in a velcro attachment outside. But with the new Pegasus not coming out until August and no guarantee that I will even like it...well, I needed something now, couldn't wait any longer. i don't think the Newtons are going to cut it as marathon shoes for me.

Which reminds me I guess I need to order a new shoe pod holder for the Ghosts.

Its nice out here, except for the allergy part.

In other news, I am corresponding with Cheryl K. at the FCR Foundation about my idea to run my four fall marathons as a fundraiser for the Foundation. It sounds like it will work out and not be very complicated to do. If it doesn't work out, I guess I will look around for another charity but honestly there is nothing that i am feeling all that passionate about or connected to right now.

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Reflections of a slow, fat marathoner