Today the schedule called for a Recovery Run of 30-45 minutes, or a rest day. I am not sure what I am supposed to be recovering from since yesterday was an easy day, but maybe it is because this is supposed to be an overall recovery week with reduced mileage.
The dogs woke me up around 6:45 and I was out the door by 7:15 am, so a little later than usual. It was a warmer morning than we've had the past few days. It was nice to run in daylight but I didn't like all the traffic.
Just did the Shady Lane route as usual. Still a bit frantic about not falling down. Wonder how long it is going to take me to get over that? I am so obsessed now with looking at the sidewalk when I'm on Erie that I almost ran into a guy coming the other way.
Finished in 35:04 for 3.21---hey, the GPS matches what it said on Tuesday for a change!---which is a 10:56 pace, right in line with what it is supposed to be for a "recovery run." I think I am getting a teensy bit faster after all.
I've been thinking about the GPS discrepancies, and I wonder if it has to do with starting the run before the GPS signal is ready. The shoe pod is supposed to take over whenever the GPS is not working, but maybe that doesn't quite apply or work properly if you use the Quick Start command before you have a GPS signal. That is supposed to be the point of the Quick Start but maybe it doesn't really work.
Tomorrow I think it's another short and easy one. I'm thinking about getting out the spreadsheet I used last time and plugging in this training block and see how it compares to last time, and the BQ time. I've definitely never followed a schedule so consistently before. I've done all the long runs so far and all the speed sessions, except for the one where I substituted a race. Actually, no, I did do that that speed session too, just pushed it out a couple of days to allow for the race recovery. It might be more, it might be less, than I've ever done before but at least I am sticking to the program.
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