Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Do chest pains make you run faster?

I've been having funny chest pains and weird feelings on my left side for weeks now. I know I should probably go to the doctor, but just haven't made the time. Also, feel like my heart is racing fairly regularly. So if I fall over dead, and somebody who knows me reads this, yeah I was a dumbass, I could have done something about it but I didn't bother.

Anyway, the funny thing is that my recent training runs have been faster than usual, without trying, even with the chest pains. So maybe my heart is beating faster and that makes me able to run faster? With less effort? I know, it doesn't make any sense.

Did a 5 mile race on Jan. 1. Here's a link to my race report on my Yahoo group list: http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/RUNNERS-TRIATHLETES/message/1357
And here's a link to a story about the race in my local newspaper:

Pretty good time, only really bad thing was that the creepy guy was there. But fortunately I didn't notice him. I only know he was there because I found his name afterwards in the race results.

Training is going well. 10 miler last weekend, faster than I've run that route (my "3 Loops" route) in years. Trail run yesterday, fastest so far on those trails. Four miler around the park today, pretty good pace. The weather has been unseasonably warm the past couple of days and I have been taking advantage of it because it'll be back to the treadmill soon enough.

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Reflections of a slow, fat marathoner