Tuesday, January 01, 2008

A Good Run to Start the Year

Been busy with the stupid holidays. But have managed to keep up with my training anyway. Did a tough workout last Friday that consisted of treadmill-spinning-treadmill, which I haven't tried before. I was supposed to do a 6 miler but I was feeling kinda sore and it wasn't that nice out. So I did 1.5 miles on the treadmill, using the speed interval program on level 6 (this is pretty easy, I usually do it on level 7 and that isn't really very fast either), then I did the 59 minute spin bike video (warmup, paceline, hill climb, rolling hills, and flat road), and then finally back on the treadmill for the last 1.5 miles of the speed interval program.

The bike part felt harder than usual and my heart rate actually got up higher on the bike than it did while running. I think I used harder resistance than I normally do (since I was so warmed up from the jog on the treadmill) so that could be why.

The other hard workout I did in the past week was a long run that combined a 1 mile treadmill warmup, my 3 miler around the park, and 6 miles on the trails. The warmup took me 20 minutes (I take it up very slowly), but I had a PR for the year (maybe for several years) on the 3 miler, and then the trails were---the trails. The outside running (9 miles) took a total of 1:55, because the trail part was so slow. I read somewhere that you need to multiply your normal time by 1.4 to figure out how slow you will be on the trails. That seems about right.

Today I started the year with the Frostbite Five Mile race in Ft. Thomas, KY. My goal was just to go under 45 minutes, and I finished in about 43:55, so I am pretty pleased. But also pretty wiped out right now. It was very cold this morning: about 30 degrees when I got there but the temps were dropping and there was a lot of wind. We had snow flurries during the race and you had to watch out for the icy patches. I had some knee pain before the race that concerned me but it was fine while I was running. Overall, I'm pleased with a solid effort to start the year.

The other big news is I've decided on some marathons for 2008. I'm registered for the Glass City Marathon in Toledo on April 13, and the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon on April 27. Those two, 14 days apart, will qualify me for the Marathon Maniacs club. Then on May 18, I have my real "goal" race of the spring, the Twisted Ankle trail marathon in Alpharetta, GA. After I make it through that one, I'll be focusing on my training for the Stone Steps 50k in October.

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Reflections of a slow, fat marathoner