Thursday, May 07, 2009

A Rare Good Day

Had a good run today. Haven't felt this good in months. It was just a four-miler, including a lap of the Kilgour 5k route. I took the Powersteps out of my shoes and put the original insoles back in. I think the Powersteps made the shoes too snug, so they were causing more problems than they solved. Anyway, it was nice to feel good on a run for a change.

Felt so good that I am now thinking about entering the Kilgour 5k, even though that is the Friday night before the Delaware Marathon on Sunday. But I already know that I am going to suck at the marathon, because my weight is way up and my training is way down. So it's not like I am going to blow a Boston qualifier by running that 5k less than two days before. And it is a pretty fun little race. And I don't have to run it hard. She says.

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Reflections of a slow, fat marathoner