Friday, June 14, 2013

Feeling Crappy

Have felt sort of bad in the second half of my last few runs. Not sure what is up. Monday on the six-miler, I had to walk most of the last two miles. Tuesday i was out late in the day and i really struggled to make it through the four-miler in the park. Of course, my encounter with the creep who said I shouldn't be running did not help. Wait, maybe that was Wednesday? No, Wednesday was five miles on the treadmill, and okay, that was the fairly typical five miles on the treadmill.

Yesterday was four miles through the park, trying to get back on that horse.Had that kind of weird vision aura, dizzy thing that happens sometimes in the heat and glare. And then today, I just got back from five miles on the Madison route, which went a little better than the rest of the week but was still very slow.

And I'm fat. Fatter than I've let myself get in a couple of years. Doesn't help.

Anyway, I'm sitting out on the porch right now with my frozen peas and chocolate milk, feeling that good relaxed post-run feeling but also feeling a little bad about myself because I am so slow and fat and I have that race on Sunday where I am going to suck.

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Reflections of a slow, fat marathoner