Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Week 9, Day 2

Today is a recovery run day. I got plenty of sleep last night. In bed around 10, set the alarm for 6. But the alarm went off in the middle of a dream and I felt like crap when I opened my eyes. So I hit the snooze button, thinking that I would probably run later this afternoon, but after a few minutes I felt okay and wanted to run.

Gave Zen her pill and had the dogs out for a pee then hit the road for an easy jog on the Shady Lane route. Felt a little better than I have other mornings, although I was a little nervous about falling down. Felt better once I got past the spot where I fell!

First mile was very slow but gradually picked it up and finished the 3.2 miles in 35 something. I know that's slower than the schedule dictates, but it is still faster than usual over that route, so we just have to keep that in perspective.

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Reflections of a slow, fat marathoner