Saturday, September 15, 2012

Week 9, Day 5

Yesterday the schedule called for another easy run, this time just 30-40 minutes. After walking around the neighborhood with Tommy & the dogs, I headed out for my regular old loop of the park.

Did not get out until 11 am but no worries, because it was another pleasant day. Hit my "checkpoint" at Custer in 27:03---historically, anything under 27 is pretty fast on this course, so to be right at 27 on an "easy" day is pretty cool.

Finished the run of 3.01 miles in 33:16 or an 11:02 pace. While that sounds slow, for this course that is relatively fast. So, I am getting faster. It is happening!

Tonight is the Glenwood Gardens night trail run. Last year I finished in just a smidge over 30 minutes, so this year I hope to at least break 30.

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Reflections of a slow, fat marathoner