Sunday, August 19, 2012

Week 5, Day 5

Yesterday was an off day, and I needed it more than I did last week, after the 14 on Wednesday. Today was easy run day, 45-60 minutes.

It was a cool day and rainy this morning, so we did not go out for the dog walk until 10. Left for the run at 11:20 Did the Madison route, and finished the 5.21 in 53:13 or about 10:20 pace.

Felt pretty easy but did have a little something weird going on with my left foot. Felt better after the first mile or so, and was fine after that, but bothered me some later today when I was walking around the supermarket in my sandals. Feels okay now. Who knows?

My new Nike GPS watch arrived today. Not as excited about it as you might think.

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Reflections of a slow, fat marathoner