Sunday, December 13, 2009

Easy Sunday

Did a 3-miler around the park with Ed. Yes, almost 10 minutes slower pace then we raced at yesterday, but that's because I let him stop to pee and poo as much as he needs when we're on a training run. It's a dreary, drizzly day but not so cold, so it was good to do the run outside, and with Ed, of course.

The streaking thing is going really well. My streak is two weeks long! Maybe soon I will feel worthy to actually join the streak association and pay the fee. It is helping me keep my weekly mileage up, and that can only help.

So what is up for this week? Well, I really want to try to get a 12-miler in tomorrow. Wednesday I'll hit the treadmill for intervals again, this time at 7 mph pace. Then take it easy until later in the week, when Eddy & I will probably do the Eggnog Jog in Mt. Adams, which should be our last race together this year.

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Reflections of a slow, fat marathoner