Sunday, December 13, 2009

Reindeer Romp Race Report

Ventured west of town on Saturday morning for another 5k with my best running buddy. This was the 3rd annual Reindeer Romp, which includes a 5k, a 10k and a kid’s fun run. The races are on flat, fast, USATF-certified courses that are a nice mix of scenic country roads and a paved bike trail. The event benefits the Crosby Kringle Chest, which provides Christmas toys for needy children, and includes a post-race pancake breakfast in the Crosby Township Senior Center.

I would have opted for the 10k, but with Eddy I need to stick to the 5k. Had the weather been snowy with a risk of ice and/or salt on the roads, I would have left him home. But it was clear and dry, although quite cold (low 20s at the start). I had considered doing this race last year, but I remember the weather was really miserable that weekend so I stayed home.

This is about a 35 minute drive from my house. Eddy and I arrived slightly less than an hour before the start of the race, which I thought might be too early, but the small parking lot was already full and we had to park on a grassy field next to the building. I picked up my race packet, deposited my toy donation (Holiday Barbie), visited the restroom, and went back to the car to get Ed.

The race shirt (included with registration) is better than most. It’s long-sleeved navy blue cotton with a cute red & white design.

Eddy & I headed out for our warm-up on the little quarter mile trail in front of the senior center. After I was warmed up and I was satisfied that Eddy was as “empty” as possible, we headed back over to the registration area to hang out. Eddy was the only dog in attendance at this event. He got to meet some new people, and we did some “breed education” as it seemed that nobody there had ever seen a Flatcoat before. He was a good ambassador for Flatcoats.

Since I didn’t know much about the course, I had previously emailed the race director to make sure that Eddy would be welcome. She advised me that we should be sure to line up in the back of the pack, on the outside of the curve and just in front of the walkers, to avoid getting in the way of the faster runners. The race used chip timing but only for the finish line. Still, it wasn’t such a big crowd so I wasn’t too concerned about where we started, and I certainly didn’t want to cause any accidents with Eddy’s presence.

Even starting in the back of the pack, we were much less boxed-in than at last weekend’s race, so it really didn’t cost us much. Hit the first mile marker in 8:40, which was slightly faster than our average pace last weekend. Just like last weekend, my goofy boy was all business once the gun went off. He is a very focused racer!

I stopped at the water station for a drink. I assumed it was water but it was some sort of sports drink, which I really didn’t need for a winter 5k. I swallowed it and immediately realized it was a bad idea. Eddy just rolled his eyes at me. He really does not like to stop during these races! And then he took off like a rocket, seemingly intent on passing all ten or so people who had gone by us during the break.

Mile 2 was an 8:34. So now it was looking pretty good for us to beat our time from last week and get a new PR for Eddy. I started getting warm, so I unzipped my jacket and removed my hat. It was a pain to carry the hat in one hand and the leash in the other, but I just had to deal. The brim of the hat was too big to cram into my jacket pocket.

Eddy definitely had a lot left, and I had to hold him back a bit in the last mile, because I could not go that fast or I was going to toss the sports drink. Did not hit my watch at the 3 mile but our time was 9:01 for the last 1.1, about 20 seconds faster than last weekend at the end. The time on my watch was 26:15, or about 44 seconds faster than last weekend. The course was flat, and I am learning how to race again.

In the last half mile, we were passed by a tall blonde woman. I was pretty sure that she was not in my age group, so I let her go, but post-race it is really bothering me. In the last stretch, she was slowing down and we for sure could have caught her, even if it did mean I would have thrown up the sports drink. I am not letting that happen again. Letting somebody beat us like that, I mean. Throwing up, that just happens sometimes.

Post race I played some Frisbee with Ed in the field next to the senior center. Maybe we should have done the 10k after all. Then I put him in the car and went inside to change into dry clothes. The pancakes smelled really good, but I didn’t feel right about hanging out while he waited in the car, and so for the second week in a row I left a race without getting any food! I am going to have to start bringing food with me to these things.

Have no idea how we finished in the pack, because the results are not online yet. It would be nice to think that I placed in my age group but I really have no idea. But I enjoyed this little race, and I am loving running these things with Eddy, so I think we will be back next year.

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