Monday, July 23, 2012

Week 2, Day 1

It was too hot and muggy by the time Susan was awake so we ended up not running together after all, which is just as well because she could not have done the 9:24 part.

Today's workout was to be the Pace Booster run, 50-60 minutes with 20 minutes at a Steady State pace of 9:01 - 9:24. Last week, recall that I did this with too slow of a SS pace because of my miscalculation.

So, on the treadmill, I did my slow 20 minute warmup to 5.0 pace with a couple of 1-minute walk breaks at 3.5 in there. Then I ran at 6.4 mph for 20 minutes, which is 9:22 pace. Then I walked for a minute, then did 4 minutes at 6.0 pace, and then I did the 5 minute treadmill cooldown, for a total of 50 minutes and 4.17 miles.

My knee felt a little catchy before the run but I did get through it---though I was worried about the fast part---and I was a little sore from yesterday's Nike workout. Some soreness in the hips, thighs and also the upper body. A good sore though. Did not eat right away afterwards. I think that RUNRR nutritional recovery thing is not quite right for me. I am  up a few pounds from last week, and I think maybe it is just too much carbs. And I really didn't feel better or more recovered or more ready to do the workouts after eating per the McMillan plan.

But maybe I should pick up some Slimfasts or Gatorade shakes and try them out anyway.

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Reflections of a slow, fat marathoner