Monday, July 30, 2012

Week 3, Day 1

Scheduled workout: 10 - 20 minute warmup + fartlek workout of 8 to 10 times 2 minutes at 5k to 8k effort with 1 minute recovery jogs + 10 - 20 minute cooldown.

So, it was in the low 70s but sunny and humidity in the 80s by the time I was ready to start and I got pretty hot on the dog walk this morning and Tommy is home so he could entertain Eddy, so for all these reasons I did the run on the treadmill.

I did my very slow, easy warmup to about 15 minutes, then started the intervals. I did 8 x 2 min @ 7.0 mph or 8:34 pace, which is about 8k pace or what I ran the 4 mile HP Blast in. On the recovery, I walked for 30 seconds at 3.5 pace, then jogged for 30 seconds at 5.0 pace. So, I guess I did this a little easier than you are supposed to and certainly on the low end of what was prescribed.

Then I finished up at 5.0 pace until I hit 3.5 miles, then I walked for a minute at 3.5 pace, then up to 6.0 pace until I hit 45 minutes, then did the 5 minute treadmill cooldown. So I covered 4.13 miles in 50 minutes.

It seems like I will always do the absolute minimum of what is recommended. I hope that is going to be enough. If I had done the intervals outside I might have gone faster, but this was all I could stand on the treadmill. Also, I had a big knee twinge as I started the first interval that really scared me. It went better after that but I didn't want to push ANY harder or do anymore than the minimum. Iced the knee after.

I hope this is just a result of being stiff from the weekend of agility and not the beginning of something serious. Anyway, I feel okay now. My foot bothered me a little when I first put my shoes on but has been fine since. Not sure what is up with that. Foot felt okay all weekend. My hammies felt a little sore after my last run yesterday.

I did not do the easy run yesterday since it was optional and again, the minimum....thought I needed to rest more.

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Reflections of a slow, fat marathoner