Sunday, July 22, 2012

Week 1, Day 7

This is an off-day because of the wedding showers, but Cathy & Tori left this morning, and Susan & Ross are off getting pictures taken and visiting friends, so I had time to get a workout in.

Unfortunately, my left knee was very twinge-y this morning---is that really because I wore a slight heel to a bar with a slippery floor last night?---so I decided not to run. Instead I did one of the Nike Training Club workouts from my iPhone app.

I did the 45 minute Energizer workout on the Beginner level, supposed to be a "toning" workout. As usual, my form was horrific and I had to keep stopping to watch the videos of the exercises because I didn't know what the heck I was supposed to be doing. Hope I did not further screw up my knees doing the modified pushups. I tried to do regular pushups instead but I just don't have any upper body strength any more.

Tomorrow, Susan wants to run with me. I hope she is up for the Pace Booster workout that includes 20 minutes at 9 minute pace. We might have to make it a little easier.

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Reflections of a slow, fat marathoner